The reality in front of the mirror

Sometimes the reality we create by the way we see things distorts the purpose for which we were created. Many times I have had moments where I see what is in front of the mirror and I realize that it is only the reflection of a fake reality, because on the other side there is a world of lies created by fantasies.

I have lived most of my life, struggling to find out who I am in the eyes of other people, to the point of forgetting who I am in my own eyes. Just thinking about what I see in the mirror brings a feeling of shame that makes me feel insecure. I feed my identity with small portions and characteristics of others, and that has overshadowed my true identity.

I know that the authenticity of who I am does not come from me, that only my Creator knows. When we live under a false identity, it's like a drifting boat with no direction, and God is expert at giving direction. Life has no meaning unless He can give it to you, but it is your choice to let God into your life.

It is unpredictable to know how I will respond when someone talks about me, because of the characteristics I express of a false identity, that is why it is necessary for me daily to go to the source and remember who I am and not how I am, because the "how I am" is what people say and think about me, but the "who I am" is what God, my Creator, says about me.

The real questions are: What is my identity based on? Its based on people so I can feel accepted or in God so I can have his identity?

What is yours based on ?


I’m Joel and this my history…




A miracle to tell…